New Year’s Action #1 – uninstall Facebook app

Good-bye FB

I have a smartphone for work – I wouldn’t have one, otherwise. They are too expensive and they are one more thing for me to lug around. The only *real* use for it is to check my email when I am away from work, look up directions, and google businesses so I can find out their hours.

I installed the Facebook app on it, about a year ago, and I cannot begin to count the hours I have wasted “liking” what people are saying, or getting into “discussions” with people that serve only one of two purposes: to agree or to disagree. No one’s opinion has ever been changed due to Facebook comments, to my knowledge.

It’s all very entertaining, to lie in bed before I go to sleep or right after I wake up, and read what people are saying, but what has this actually added to my life? Practically nothing, aside from some laughs. There are some good jokes there, but is this what my life is supposed to be about? Lying in bed laughing at jokes?

My life is precious to me. My time is at a premium. Sleep and good rest is essential to me. So, there was only one logical course to take — to say “Good-bye Facebook smartphone app.”

And I uninstalled it last night before I went to sleep — it has stolen enough resting time from me.

Today is the first day of my Facebook-less life.

Author: brokenbrilliant

I am a long-term multiple (mild) Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI or TBI) survivor who experienced assaults, falls, car accidents, sports-related injuries in the 1960s, '70s, '80s, and '90s. My last mild TBI was in 2004, but it was definitely the worst of the lot. I never received medical treatment for my injuries, some of which were sports injuries (and you have to get back in the game!), but I have been living very successfully with cognitive/behavioral (social, emotional, functional) symptoms and complications since I was a young kid. I’ve done it so well, in fact, that virtually nobody knows that I sustained those injuries… and the folks who do know, haven’t fully realized just how it’s impacted my life. It has impacted my life, however. In serious and debilitating ways. I’m coming out from behind the shields I’ve put up, in hopes of successfully addressing my own (invisible) challenges and helping others to see that sustaining a TBI is not the end of the world, and they can, in fact, live happy, fulfilled, productive lives in spite of it all.

12 thoughts on “New Year’s Action #1 – uninstall Facebook app”

  1. How elequently said, my friend! I did the same thing about 6 months ago as FB was driving me crazy and I was wasting an enormous amount of time trying to justify what I was doing on it. I thought I was the only one feeling this way because after I got off FB it seemed as if I were a parayah that didn’t fit in anywhere. “Oh, did you read what so and so did?” I was constantly quoted. FB even became the specific communication of most of my family members. REALLY?! I need to be on FB just to know what is going on in my family!!!

    Thank you for saying it so much better than I could.


  2. I have thought about uninstalling FB completely, as it takes up way too much of my time of late! Even when I’m not playing some inane game, I’m reading posts, “liking” things, getting caught up in other words! Congratulations on your decision! Love and light and safe journeys to all this morning!


  3. I hear you…unfortunately I’ve been sucked back into the giant ball of chaos that FB is because I’ve just written a book about traumatic brain injury. To get the information “out there” about the book, I had to go back to FB under my business name. I must say, however, that it seems less ‘noisy’ this time. Probably not good for book sales, but that’s not why I wrote the book. It was a great venture to vent and to just plain see if I could do it. If I may ask…how is your brain broken?


  4. I thought about doing the same thing (especially during the elections since everyone turned into a political analyst) but I’ve since decided to ignore it, turn off the notifications and severely limit my interaction with it.


  5. Turning off notifications is a great idea – I did try to ignore it, but I found that once I got into looking at what people were saying, I ended up spending at least 30-45 minutes at a stretch, just “catching up” with the kinds of things I never really cared about, to begin with. I wish I could limit my interaction with it, but it seems like an all-or-nothing thing with me. At least it’s off my smartphone — I can always check it on my computer… provided I have an hour to lose (which isn’t always the case). Glad you found something that works for you.


  6. Great to hear about your book – and good luck with FB – I hope it gets “noisier” for you in all the right ways.

    My brain has been broken a bunch of times — I’ve sustained at least 9 concussions/TBIs (that I can remember – there could have been more). And on any given day I can have any one of a host of issues messing with me, as a result. Everything from vertigo/dizziness to light sensitivity to having difficulty speaking and hearing to extreme mood swings and anger management issues… it runs the gamut, and it keeps things interesting. Fortunately, my brilliant mind more than makes up for it, so there is hope.

    Good luck with your book and your work.


  7. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement for my book venture. When I read your blog, it’s as if we are living the same life nearly. The only exception seems that I no longer am able to work outside the home because of sight and cognitive issues that were lost when I had my brain bleed.

    The thing I find most frustrating is that because I still have the ability to speak (sometimes eloquently and sometimes not!) and because I can still walk and move without much visible difficulty (although my left side is remarkably weaker) is that people I come in contact with often wonder, and sometimes quite rudely, exactly what my disability is! I was wondering if you find that same frustration?


  8. Ah yes… the similarities. It really is wild, how much so many of us have in common – yet it is so hidden from the rest of the world, that sometimes it seems like it doesn’t even exist.

    People can be incredibly rude. Until and unless someone has experienced something themself, it is all but impossible to explain some things to them. I think the underlying issue is just rudeness, period. I’m not sure why people aren’t more considerate and just a *little* more knowledgeable about some things.

    It is frustrating, and I do share that experience. My shortcomings are generally chalked up to weakness of character or laziness, when I do fall short. Neurology isn’t accounted for anywhere outside my neuropsych’s office. I guess it’s just too scary for people.

    Oh, well, we do what we can.


  9. Ignorance of the full situation runs rampant regardless of the main situation. I’ve come to believe it is a common shortcoming of the entire human race. Nobody seems to care to find out the facts before making their snap judgements. Now THAT is something I’ve learned first hand as I have had those very things happen TO me…but in all honesty I have to admit I have DONE it as well. My personal situation teaches me lessons every day. I appreciate your writings and your point of view. Would you allow me to post a link to your blog from my website I am currently trying to finish up the store portion of it but continue to blog myself on one of the pages.


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