Day-to-Day Activities Issues

Problems with Day-to-Day Activities can include:

31. Being overly busy (more than usual)
32. Feeling like you can’t get moving, you’re stuck
33. Feeling like you can’t get anything done

3 thoughts on “Day-to-Day Activities Issues”

  1. BB – In my view, some persons with concussions acquire what is known as an Initiation (of tasks) Deficit. A planner may help a little. Examples: Plannerpads, PlanAheadNow dot com. There are a few cases where the right medicine can temporarily improve initiation a little. Caffeine works for me a little. – Charles

    X-ref: Executive Function vs Executive Function glitches


  2. I hear you about the initiation deficits. I’ve been wrangling with them, myself, for some time. I have not been successful in getting my neuropsych to take these issues seriously, so I have to figure things out on my own. Or maybe they do take them seriously, but they’re just not stepping in to fix it for me.

    I often feel as though I can’t get started. And a lot of times, I just can’t.

    As long as I am not aware that this is the case, I stay stuck. And I don’t get started. Knowing I have this issue is the first step towards doing something about it.


  3. Almost every day! Or, feeling “well”, get going on something so hard that suddenly things are spinning and the brain is mush and spend days recovering. (If anyone knows how to recover from this “scramble”, as I like to call it, please tell me.

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